Mum & Me Mini Series - Yoga & Baby Massage

A 2 week series designed to rest, restore, stretch and strengthen both mum and infant.

Week 1 - Sleepy Baby Massage & Restorative Postnatal Yoga

Massage for baby:

Giving your baby a soothing infant massage can help baby relax and drift off to sleep. Your touch can release the “feel-good” hormones, dopamine and oxytocin, in your little one. A parent's touch has been scientifically proven to soothe and help babies sleep and baby massage has been shown to aid the infant hormones that manage stress. So, while a massage can help calm fussiness any time of day, it’s especially valuable as a part of an essential bedtime routine. The soothing effects of your touch can lull them and help baby sleep.

Yoga for mum :

While strengthening and stretching is an important aspect of a postnatal yoga, relaxation and healing is an equally (if not more) important complementary element of the practice. Restorative Postnatal Yoga, which consists of supported relaxation postures held for several minutes, provides the body and mind with a designated time for healing, rest, and integration.

Week 2 - Stretch & Grow Baby Yoga + Strengthening Flow Yoga

Yoga for baby:

Baby Yoga is a fun and interactive experience for both you and your baby. During class, baby’s sense of balance and body awareness are stimulated through yoga inspired poses and movements. You will learn a sequence called stretch & Grow - yoga poses and movement for baby, a basic baby massage warmup sequence. We include nursery rhymes for language development and fun!

Yoga for mum:

This weeks class will focus on recovery from birth and pregnancy; and will include yoga & Pilates that: is: Stabilising / Strengthening / Core Strength Building / Pelvic Floor Strengthening. We will target common post-natal ailments and support relaxation, helping you to manage sleeplessness and the mental and emotional demands of having a new baby.

What can you expect at your class?

  • Classes are baby led and relaxed: if baby needs a cuddle or feed this is absolutely fine!

  • Meet local parents in a supportive nurturing environment.

  • Learn skills for life and techniques and poses you can do at home with your baby.

Our classes provide an opportunity for you to create precious one on one time with your baby. Creating special memories for you both learning movements you can practice at home when all your babies’ needs are met.

Places are limited so it's not too overwhelming for the babies. Mum's and bub's must have had their 6–8-week check and be cleared by their GP.

Where: The Sol Collective Yoga - 20 Park Lane Coffs Harbour
When: 2 week mini series Thursday 14th & 21st November @1045am
Cost: $60 for the full series, if not sold out please enquire about single session availability.

